Vancleave RLDS

Soliciting money in the homes. In the spring of 1964, the Vancleave Branch was free of all debts, including the pruchase of new pews, folding charis and a piano. (Note: the loan was paid off earlier than was needed).

In 1966, the branch was in need of more classrooms for the Christian education of our members. It was also discussed to add restrooms to the southwest part of the church building. The congregation voted that each church family pay $2.00 per year for the maintenance of the cemetery.

In 1968, our branch bought land from Bro. Carl Hawley to expand our cemetery for $250.

In 1969, the church suffered damage from Hurricane Camille, a devastating storm that ransacked the Gulf Coast. The members worked every weekend repairing the roof and replacing damaged wood.

An air conditioning unit for the entire church was approved by the congregation in June of 1970.

In the early 1970’s beautification of the church was the purpose in the purchasing of a carpet and runners for the Sanctuary. Matching drapes were made for the front of the church by the Women"s Department.

A new piano was bought in 1972 at which time Elder Donald McMillan was Pastor.