Vancleave RLDS
Initial Vacation Bible School, May 16-27, 1949. 35 Children and 12 teachers attended.

On May 16 thru 27, 1949 the initial Vacation Bible School was held. In attendance was 35 children and 12 teachers. Myrtle Jennings was the Church School Director. The Kindergarden and Primary Teacher was Ann Goff assisted by Colleen Cole. The Junior Teachers were Ruby Goff and Betty Rice assisted by Ruth McMillan. The Junior High Teacher was Lizzie Miller assisted by Hazel Goff and Cecil McMillan.

By 1949, it again had become necessary to remodel, repair and enlarge the "Little Brown Church" building or if need be, build a new one. It was decided to build a new one, under the Supervision of Bro. Howard E. Jennings. Progress was to be slow, with members constructing the cement blocks (around 50 blocks a night ) that began the foundation.

During the struggles in building the new church, the loss of Bro. Albert G. Miller was a tragic blow to the entire congregation. He had sheparded them for a goodly number of years. He was Pastor in 1922, 1932-42 with Bro. Leslie Kohlman being Pastor 1943-44 and Bro. N. L. Booker in 1945. Brother Miller was Pastor from 1946 until his death on March 30, 1951.

Howard E. Jennings and John Dudley Tillman, both valient workers in supervising the building of present Sanctuary. Leslie W. Kohlman, was pastor in 1943, now serves the office of Bishop. Norman Lafayette Booker (N.L.), was Pastor in 1945, served many offices in the earlier days of the Branch.